tirsdag 16. august 2011

WWE Raw 15th of August 2011!

This is coming late, i know, but that is just how it is going to be from now of, because of school.
I did see raw live last night, but i GTS right after it was finished, so i did'nt have time to put up results then.
but here they are!!
John Morrison


No Holds Barred Match!
winner: John Morrison
Kelly Kelly & Eve


Brie & Nikki Bella
winner: Kelly Kelly & Eve
Alex Riley


Jack Swagger
winner: Jack Swagger
Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston


David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty
winner: Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio 
WWE Championship
winner: Alberto Del Rio
Also, Kevin Nash, explained what happened the
night before at the summerslam PPV.

Take care, spike your hair!!
woo woo woo, YOU KNOW IT!!! broh...

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