mandag 15. august 2011

Pics from Summerslam 2011!

 Kofi Kingston & Rey Mysterio in the air!!!

Stephanie McMahon & CM Punk
qoute from Punk:
"i would, but i know where that hand has been"
Mark Henry and Sheamus destroys the barecade (?)
Cee Lo Green performed:
Bright Lights Bigger City
Forget you
r-Truth smells Little Jimmy!!!! Little Jimmy Hart!!
some extreme pics from the No Holds Barred Match
Edge was suposed to be in Christian's corner
but walked out on him.
Just because it was so awesome!
shots with the kindle stick!!

Scoop Slam into the table!
RKO on the steel steps
Special ref. Triple H
Kevin Nash returns and attacks CM Punk
after he won the match against John Cena.
Alberto Del Rio cashes in his
money in the bank breefcase
and is victories!!

it is beeing rumored that Kevin Nash might be
Alberto Del Rio's new body guard!

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